

Your Fitness - Your Relationship (13 Feb 2018)

FitU_PhindiGule_13Feb2018_7With Valentine's Day around the corner, let’s zoom into the effects your relationship has on your workout/ Fitness journey. 

FACT: Partners influence each other’s exercise habit, for better and worse. 

Now, if your goal is to get your special someone involved in your healthy lifestyle choices it’s time to employ a tactic that will actually get them pumped up. Try the following ideas that may get them running, lifting or cycling with you side by side.

 Every Tuesday on 
East Coast Drive with Bongani and Mags
between 16h40 & 16h50


1. Money Angle

Money is a big deal in any relationship, how you spend it matters. So mention that the gym, running, cycling club you want to join offers huge deals if you join with a partner. Who doesn’t want a good deal? Throw in the other gym facilities like massages, steam room, big screen to watch football…make it attractive.

2. Plan a Romantic (fitness) date

Do something active together that’s fun so it doesn’t seem like exercise. Go hiking, play tennis, go swimming or plan a weekend surfing trip. Try to do a fun physical activity together that also takes you out of your comfort zone at least once a week. Make it a point that you compliment/ encourage your partner during the activity.

3. Give a Fitness-Related Gift

We all like fancy gadgets? Surprise your loved one with a Sports watch that does all kind of things (measure steps, heart rate, distance, calories…), you’ll be surprised at how hooked they become as they start to notice progress and good results. Nothing wrong with a subscription to a health magazine or golf or tennis lessons. The gift of Health is the best gift of all.

4. Schedule an Annual Medical Examination

Truth is one can preach all health concerns till you’re blue in the face but when a statement like "your high blood pressure and extra weight are putting you at risk for an early death” comes from a trusted doctor, it’s a much more effective kick in the butt. So if it comes to this, do it!!!!

5. If all else fails, turn on the tears

Telling your loved one about your unending love and wanting to live a long life together is sure to be emotional for you both and is bound to inspire a jump on the healthy boat. Use this as a last resort.