The stigma of obesity and the related discrimination against overweight people is very real. Research has shown that obese people experience discrimination in employment, education, health care settings and personal relationships. It seems that the stigma and discrimination faced by these overweight people may be causing more problems than the actual excess weight does.
Many people with weight concerns also have a critical attitude towards themselves. Harsh self criticism, however, usually leads to yo-yo dieting rather than lasting weight loss.
The TRUTH and REALITY is that health looks different on different bodies, so focus on YOU.
With that in mind, here are 6 Points that I hope will help you on your journey toward a healthy relationship with your body and food.
Overall, weight only weakly predicts longevity, it is only one of many health indicators. Quality of diet, stress levels, fitness levels and many other factors also influence longevity. Stressing about weight can do more harm than good, so find ways to reduce stress in your life and do things that you enjoy and that build you up. Get into an activity that you enjoy (Music or Dance class).
Instead of focusing on weight, figure out your own personal goals for health.
How would you like to feel? What would you like to be able to do? What does health mean for you? Your goals may be entirely different from someone else's. Address sleep, fitness, a nourishing and healthy diet, self-esteem, stress reduction, etc. Make your goals SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
Weighing in can lead to an unhealthy obsession with numbers and can detract from the pleasures and non-weight related rewards of changing your lifestyle. Instead of weighing yourself, work on self-acceptance and positive self-image…after all you are stuck in that BODY!!!!
Develop a long-term, sustainable healthy lifestyle and way of eating. Eat REAL food and ALWAYS a reasonable quantity. DIETS seldom work!!!!
The next time you find yourself in a cycle of negative self-talk, imagine that you're actually saying these things to your best friend. Change your perspective and realize that the things you think are OK to say to yourself would never be acceptable in conversation with someone else. Why should talking to yourself be any different than talking to a friend?
Don't contribute to the stigma of weight by saying things that are negative and critical ESPECIALLY about yourself. Positive reinforcement and attitude work better than punishment when making changes that will stick.
Don't let weight concerns isolate you. Get plugged into your community and get support in your pursuit of health. Also REMEMBER that YOU are NOT your weight, there’s more to you than that - you have a lot to offer.